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[David López López]
Assistant Professor, ETSAB & ETSAV,

Dept. of Technology in Architecture, UPC]

David López López gained his Master in Architecture at the School of Architecture of Madrid and his PhD at the ETH Zurich within the Block Research Group. He also holds a Master in Architecture Technology (UPC), and a Master in Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (UPC and UMinho). He is Assistant Professor at UPC, at the Department of Technology in Architecture, teaching at the schools of Architecture ETSAB and ETSAV. Co-founder of the Map13 Barcelona architecture association.

Expert in design, analysis and structural optimization. His work and research are characterized by an innovative character in the use of the traditional technique of the Catalan vault. Both have been exhibited, published and awarded internationally and presented in different institutions such as, among others, UNAM in Mexico, EPFL in Laussane, ETH Zurich, Universidade do Minho in Guimaraes, MIT in Boston and Geneva invited by UN Habitat as an expert in the field.

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